Latin (original) | English (translation) |
I. Supplicatio ad Deum | I. Prayer to God |
A. | A. |
V.[16] Kýrie, eléison. | V. Lord, have mercy. |
R.[17] Kýrie, eléison. | R. Lord, have mercy. |
V. Christe, eléison. | V. Christ, have mercy. |
R. Christe, eléison. | R. Christ, have mercy. |
V. Kýrie, eléison. | V. Lord, have mercy. |
R. Kýrie, eléison. | R. Lord, have mercy. |
V. Christe, audi nos. | V. Christ, hear us. |
R. Christe, exaudi nos | R. Christ, graciously hear us. |
B. | B. |
V. Pater de cælis, Deus. | V. O God the Father of heaven. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy upon us. |
V. Fili, Redémptor mundi, Deus. | V. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy upon us. |
V. Spíritus Sancte, Deus. | V. O God the Holy Ghost. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy upon us. |
V. Sancta Trínitas, unus Deus. | V. O Holy Trinity, one God. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy upon us. |
II. Invocatio Sanctorum | II. Invocation of Saints |
A. Virgo Maria et Angeli | A. Virgin Mary and Angels |
V. Sancta María. | V. Holy Mary. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta Dei Génitrix. | V. Holy Mother of God. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta Virgo vírginum. | V. Holy Virgin of virgins. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancti Míchael, Gábriel et Ráphael. | V. Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Omnes sancti Angeli. | V. All the holy Angels. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
B. Patriárchæ et Prophétæ | B. Patriarchs and Prophets. |
V. Sancte Abraham. | V. Saint Abraham. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Móyses. | V. Saint Moses. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Elía. | V. Saint Elijah. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Ioánnes Baptísta. | V. Saint John the Baptist. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Ioseph. | V. Saint Joseph. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Omnes sancti Patriárchæ et Prophétæ. | V. All the holy Patriarchs and Prophets. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
C. Apóstoli et Discípuli | C. Apostoles and Disciples |
V. Sancti Petre et Paule. | V. Saints Peter and Paul. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Andréa. | V. Saint Andrew. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancti Ioánnes et Iacóbe. | V. Saints John and James. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Thoma. | V. Saint Thomas. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Matthǽe. | V. Saint Matthew. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Omnes sancti Apóstoli. | V. All the holy Apostles. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Luca. | V. Saint Luke. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Marce. | V. Saint Mark. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Bárnaba. | V. Saint Barnabas. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta María Magdaléna. | V. Saint Mary Magdalene. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Omnes sancti Discípuli Dómini. | V. All the holy Disciples of the Lord. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
D. Martyres | D. Martyrs |
V. Sancte Stéphane. | V. Saint Stephen. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Ignáti (Antiochéne). | V. Saint Ignatius (of Antioch). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Polycárpe. | V. Saint Polycarp. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Iustíne. | V. Saint Justin. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Laurénti. | V. Saint Lawrence. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Cypriáne. | V. Saint Cyprian. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Bonitáti. | V. Saint Boniface. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Stanisláe. | V. Saint Stanislaus. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Thoma (Becket). | V. Saint Thomas (Becket). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancti Ioánes (Fisher) et Thoma (More). | V. Saints John (Fisher) and Thomas (More). |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Paule (Miki). | V. Saint Paulo (Miki). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancti Ioánnes (de Brébeuf) et Isaac (Jogues). | V. Saints Jean (de Brébeuf) and Isaac (Jogues). |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Petre (Chanel), | V. Saint Peter (Chanel). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Cárole (Lwanga). | V. Saint Charles (Lwanga). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sanctæ Perpétua et Felícitas. | V. Saints Perpetua and Felicity. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta Agnes. | V. Saint Agnes. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta María (Goretti). | V. Saint Maria (Goretti). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Omnes sancti Mártyres. | V. All the holy Martyrs. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
E. Episcopi et Doctores | E. Bishops and Doctors |
V. Sancti Leo et Gregóri. | V. Saints Leo and Gregory. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Ambrósi. | V. Saint Ambrose. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Hierónyme. | V. Saint Jerome. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Augustíne. | V. Saint Augustine. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Athanási. | V. Saint Athanasius. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancti Basíli et Gregóri (Nazianzéne). | V. Saints Basil and Gregory (of Nazianzus). |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Ioánnes Chrysóstome. | V. Saint John Chrysostom. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Martine. | V. Saint Martin. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Patríci. | V. Saint Patrick. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancti Cyrílle et Methódi. | V. Saints Cyril and Methodius. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Cárole (Borromeo). | V. Saint Charles (Borromeo). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Francísque (de Sales). | V. Saint Francis (de Sales). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Pie (Decime). | V. Saint Pius (the Tenth). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
F. Presbyteri et religiosi | F. Priests and religious |
V. Sancte Antóni. | V. Saint Anthony. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Benedícte. | V. Saint Benedict. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Bernárde. | V. Saint Bernard. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancti Francísce et Domínice. | V. Saints Francis and Dominic. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Thoma (de Aquino). | V. Saint Thomas (Aquinas). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Ignáti (de Loyola). | V. Saint Ignatius (of Loyola). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Francísce (Xavier). | V. Saint Francis (Xavier). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Vincénti (de Paul). | V. Saint Vincent (de Paul). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Ioánnes María (Vianney). | V. Saint John (Vianney). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancte Ioánnes (Bosco). | V. Saint John (Bosco). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta Catharína (Senensis). | V. Saint Catherine (of Siena). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta Terésia (de Ávila). | V. Saint Teresa (of Avila). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta Rosa (de Lima). | V. Saint Rose (of Lima). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
G. Laici | G. Lay |
V. Sancte Ludovíce. | V. Saint Louis. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta Mónica. | V. Saint Monica. |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Sancta Elísabeth (Hungariæ), | V. Saint Elizabeth (of Hungary). |
R. Ora pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
V. Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Dei. | V. All the Holy men and women. |
R. Oráte pro nobis. | R. Pray for us. |
III. Invocato ad Christum | III. Invocation to Christ |
A. | A. |
V. Propítius esto. | V. Lord, be merciful. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Ab omni malo. | V. From all evil. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Ab omni peccáto. | V. From all deadly sin. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Ab insídiis diaboli. | V. From the snares of the devil. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Ab ira, et ódio, et omni mala voluntáte. | V. From anger, and hatred, and all ill-will. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. A morte perpetua. | V. From everlasting damnation. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Per incarnatiónem tuam, | V. By your Incarnation. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Per nativitátem tuam. | V. By your Birth. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Per baptísmum et sanctum ieiúnium tuum. | V. By your Baptism and holy Fasting. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Per crucem et passiónem tuam. | V. By your Cross and Passion. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Per mortem et sepultúram tuam. | V. By your Death and Burial. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Per sanctam resurrectiónem tuam. | V. By your holy Resurrection. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Per admirábilem ascensiónem tuam. | V. By your wonderful Ascension. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Per effusiónem Spíritus Sancti. | V. By the coming of the Holy Spirit. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
V. Per gloriósum advéntum tuum. | V. On the day of judgement. |
R. Líbera nos, Dómine. | R. Lord, save your people. |
B. | B. |
V. Christe, Fili Dei vivi. | V. Christ, Son of the living God. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
V. Qui in hunc mundum venísti. | V. You came into this world. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
V. Qui in cruce pependísti. | V. You suffered for us on the cross. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
V. Qui mortem propter nos accepísti. | V. You died to save us. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
V. Qui in sepúlcro iacuísti. | V. You lay in the tomb. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
V. Qui a mórtuis resurrexísti. | V. You rose from the dead. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
V. Qui in cælos ascendísti. | V. You ascended to heaven. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
V. Qui Spíritum Sanctum in Apóstolos misísti. | V. You sent the Holy Spirit upon Your apostles. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
V. Qui sedes ad déxteram Patris. | V. You are seated at the right hand of the Father. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
V. Qui ventúrus es iudicáre vivos et mórtuos. | V. You will come again to judge the living and the dead. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy on us. |
IV. Supplicatio pro Variis Necessitatibus | IV. Prayer for Various Needs |
A. | A. |
V. Ut nobis parcas. | V. Lord, be merciful to us. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut ad veram pæniténtiam nos perdúcere dignéris. | V. That it may please thee to give us repentance. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut ómnibus benefactóribus nostris sempitérna bona retríbuas. | V. That it may please thee to bestow on all our benefactors thine everlasting benefits. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut fructus terræ dare et conserváre dignéris. | V. That it may please thee to give and preserve to our use the kindly fruits of the earth. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut nobis indulgeas. | V. That it may please thee to pity and pardon us. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut mentes nostras ad cæléstia desidéria érigas. | V. That it may please thee to endue our hearts with heavenly desires. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut ánimas nostras, fratrum, propinquórum et benefactórum nostrórum ab ætérna damnatióne erípias. | V. That it may please thee to deliver from eternal damnation our souls, and those of our brethren, kindred, and benefactors. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut ómnibus fidélibus defúnctis réquiem ætérnam donáre dignéris. | V. That it may please thee to bestow upon all thy faithful departed rest eternal. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut mundum a peste, fame et bello serváre dignéris. | V. That it may please thee to keep us safe from disease, hunger, and war. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut cunctis pópulis pacem et veram concórdiam donáre dignéris. | V. That it may please thee to bestow on all the people true peace and concord. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
Precationes sequentes semper cantantur: | The following are always sung: |
V. Ut Ecclésiam tuam sanctam régere et conserváre dignéris. | V. That it may please thee to rule and govern thy holy Church. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut domnum Apostólicum et omnes ecclesiásticos órdines in sancta religióne conservare dignéris. | V. That it may please thee to preserve the Apostolic Lord, and to keep all orders of the Church in thy sacred religion. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut omnibus in Christum credéntibus unitátem largíri dignéris. | V. That it may please thee to give all believers unity in Christ. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Ut omnes hómines ad Evangélii lumen perdúcere digneris. | V. That it may please thee that all men be led to the light of the Gospel. |
R. Te rogamus, audi nos. | R. Lord, hear our prayer. |
V. Conclusio | V. Conclusion |
A. | A. |
V. Christe, audi nos. | V. O Christ, hear us. |
R. Christe, audi nos. | R. O Christ, hear us. |
V. Christe, exáudi nos. | V. O Christ, graciously hear us. |
R. Christe, exáudi nos. | R. O Christ, graciously hear us. |
B. | B. |
V. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi. | V. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy upon us. |
V. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi. | V. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy upon us. |
V. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccáta mundi. | V. O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world. |
R. Miserére nobis. | R. Have mercy upon us. |
V. Christe, audi nos. | V. O Christ, hear us. |
R. Christe, audi nos. | R. O Christ, hear us. |
V. Christe, exáudi nos. | V. O Christ, graciously hear us. |
R. Christe, exáudi nos. | R. O Christ, graciously hear us. |
V. Kýrie, eléison. | V. Lord, have mercy upon us. |
R. Christe, eléison. Kýrie, eléison. | R. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. |
Oratio | Prayer |
V. Deus, refúgium nostrum et virtus, adésto piis Ecclésiæ tuæ précibus, auctor ipse pietátis, et præsta, ut, quod fidéliter pétimus, efficáciter consequámur. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. | V. Lord God, our strength and protection, hear the prayers of your Church. Grant that when we come to you in faith, our prayers may be answered through Christ our Lord. |
R. Amen | R. Amen |
Vel: | or: |
V. Deus, qui nos cónspicis ex nostra infirmitáte defícere, ad amórem tui nóminis nos misericórditer per sanctórum tuórum exémpla restáura. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. | V. Lord God, you know our weakness. In your mercy grant that the example of your Saints may bring us back to love and serve you through Christ our Lord. |
R. Amen | R. Amen |